The Russian Movie Theater Project is an ongoing investigation into the St. Petersburg moviegoing population's construction of memory concerning their experiences at the movies. Developed by Elena Prokhorova and Sasha Prokhorov of the College of William and Mary, this project aims to collect primary source information by interviewing individuals and asking them to describe their experiences as moviegoers. The site currently contains the full interactive text of nine interviews conducted over a six year timespan from 2008 to 2014. All interviews were conducted in person by William and Mary Russian students studying abroad in St. Petersburg.
Cinema and Memory is a digital humanities component of the Russian Movie Theater Project. It uses computational methods to analyze texts of the interviews.
Cinema and Memory Project was created as part of the course in Digital Humanities at the University of Pittsburgh (Professor David Birnbaum).
Project Developers: Tom Elvins, Elena Prokhorova, and Sasha Prokhorov.
The research project was conducted under the guidance of Professor David Birnbaum, Project Advisor Andrew Nitz, and Professor Elisa Beshero-Bondar.
We thank College of Arts and Sciences of the College of William and Mary and the Center for Russian and East European Studies of the University of Pittsburgh for their help and support.